Unit Groups allow you to organize your Units by assigning them to a shared location within the property (e.g., Building A, the 12th floor, or the southern section). Each Unit Group can then be assigned a specific intercom entry device (or multiple) to which any tenant assigned to a Unit within that Unit Group will automatically be granted access. 

Creating a Unit Group

To create a Uni Group:

  1. Log into the GateHawk Property Portal

  2. Click on the desired Property (if applicable)

  3. Click the Units tab at the top of the page

  4. Click the Add Unit Group button in the top right corner of the page 

  5. Type the name of the UnitGroup in the Unit Group Name text field

  6. Click Add Unit Group

Editing a Unit Group

To edit a Unit Group:

  1. Log into the GateHawk Property Portal

  2. Click on the desired Property (if applicable)

  3. Click the Units tab at the top of the page

  4. Click the︙(More Options) next to the Unit Group you wish to edit

  5. Click Edit Unit Group

  6. Make any necessary changes to the Unit Group

  7. Click Save

Deleting a Unit Group

Before deleting a Unit Group, you must first remove the Units in that group. Please refer to the “Editing a Unit” section of our How to Create, Edit, and Delete Units article for detailed instructions on editing units. 

To delete a Unit Group:

  1. Log into the GateHawk Property Portal

  2. Click on the desired Property (if applicable)

  3. Click the Units tab at the top of the page

  4. Click the︙(More Options) next to the Unit Group you wish to edit

  5. Click Delete Unit Group

  6. Click Delete in the confirmation window (this action can’t be undone)

Once your Unit Group is created, check out our How to Assign a Unit Group to an Intercom article for additional instructions.