As a property staff member, you have the ability to add and remove tenants from your Property profile. 

Adding a new Tenant Member

To add a new tenant:

  1. Click the Units tab in the main navigation bar
  2. Click the desired Unit to which the tenant will be added
  3. Click the Add Tenant button in the top right corner of the page
  4. Enter the tenant’s details into the form (you’ll need to complete all of the required fields to continue)
  5. Select whether or not this tenant’s information will show up in the video intercom directory using the Enable Directory Listing toggle 
  6. Click + Add Credentials to add a physical credential if your property uses key cards or fobs
  7. Click Add Tenant & Send Invite 

Once the form has been submitted, the Tenant will receive an invitation to download the GateHawk Resident App.

Editing an existing Tenant

  1. Click the Units tab in the main navigation bar
  2. Click the Tenants tab on the Units page
  3. Click︙(More Options) next to tenant whose information you’d like to edit
  4. Click Edit Tenant 
  5. Make any necessary changes
  6. Click Save Tenant to save your changes or click Cancel to undo your changes

Removing a Tenant 

Removing a tenant will immediately revoke their access credentials as well as their guest’s access credentials. 

  1. Click the Units tab in the main navigation bar
  2. Click the Tenants tab on the Units page
  3. Click︙(More Options) next to tenant whose information you’d like to remove
  4. Click Remove Tenant (please note that you can't undo this action)
  5. Click Accept in the confirmation window to delete the Tenant