You can quickly view a guest's details and delete a guest if needed using the GateHawk Portal. 

Viewing Guest Information

To view a list of your properties guest along with their information:

  1. Log into the GateHawk Portal

  2. Click on the desired property (if applicable)

  3. Click the Tenants tab at the top of the page

  4. Click the Guests tab within the Tenants page

On the Guests page, you’ll be presented with a list of guests, including their names, email addresses, phone numbers, the tenant who invited them, and the date they were added. 

Deleting a Guest

If you ever need to delete a guest and their access to your property:

  1. Log into the GateHawk Portal

  2. Click on the desired property (if applicable)

  3. Click the Tenants tab at the top of the page

  4. Click the Guests tab within the Tenants page

  5. Click the next to the guest you wish to remove

  6. Click Delete Guest

  7. Click Accept in the pop-up confirmation window

Once deleted, your tenant will receive an email informing them their guest was removed.